1. Introduction:
In some particular application, few pin count but still need chip to chip communication. This IP use one wire bi-direction (open drain) to communication. Just like UART , it is consist of one TX and one RX. User can define their own payload freedomly.
All devices are connecting through open-drain pull high bus. Every device can send data to others actively.
- Analog IC debug
- MCU program port
- Low pin count IC
2. License Price:
1200 Points
Multiple License : YES
- Discount for 2 ~ 5 license:5 %
- Discount for 6 ~ 10 license:10 %
- Discount for 11 ~ license:15 %
3. Clock Rate:
100 MHz
4. Logic Gate Count:
1.5 K Gates
5. Technology:
130 nm
6. Version: