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30 MHz |
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This is an USB 3.1 Gen1 dual-role controller, which is compliant to USB 2.0/USB 3.1 Gen1 specifications. The controller can act as a standard
host or peripheral for easy system implementation. The role can be selected via static pin selection.
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75.000 K Gates |
200 MHz |
None |
This is a universal serial bus (USB) 2.0 On-The-Go (OTG) Controller, which can play dual-role, as a host or a device controller. When it acts as a host, it contains a USB host controller to support all speed transactions.
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Octal SPI Master/Slave Controller |
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4.641 K Gates |
500 MHz |
None |
Designed to work with a wide variety of SPI bus variants, the core supports run-time control of several SPI protocol parameters. For example, the SPI frame width can be 1 to 4 bytes, the
most significant bit position in a frame, serial clock phase and polarity are all software- programmable. In master mode the core can control up to 32 slaves. A software controllable clock generator derives the serial clock for master mode, by dividing the frequency of a clock line dedicated for that purpose
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CAN 2.0 & CAN FD Bus Controller Core |
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12.000 K Gates |
None |
None |
The CAN protocol uses a multi-master bus configuration for the transfer of frames be- tween nodes of the network and manages error handling with no burden on the host processor. The core enables the user to set up economic and reliable links between vari- ous components. It appears as a memory-mapped I/O device to the host processor, which accesses the CAN core to control the transmission or reception of frames.
The CAN core is easy to use and integrate, featuring programmable interrupts, data and baud rates; a configurable number of independently programmable acceptance filters; and a generic processor interface or optionally an AMBA APB, or AHB-Lite interface. It imple- ments a flexible buffering scheme, allowing fine-tuning of the core size to satisfy the requirements of each specific application
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None |
None |
None |
The CAN controller is an I2C/APB compliant controller to act as a transmitter or receiver in the CAN bus.
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The TDM-Rx-Pro is part of proven audio interface cores featuring a configurable multi-channel audio |
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192 KHz |
65 nm |
The TDM-Rx-Pro is part of proven audio interface cores featuring a configurable multi-channel audio interface designed to input serial (TDM) digital audio streams from various manufacturers. The TDM-Rx-Pro front-end also supports the well known stereo formats: Philips I2S, Left-Justified or Right-Justified. The TDM-Rx-Pro backend is supplied with a choice of AMBA®, CoreConnect™ or a flexible parallel interface.
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ASRC-Lite : 16-bit -90dB THD+N Multi-Channel Audio Sample Rate Converter |
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None |
192 KHz |
45 nm |
The ASRC-lite is part of multi-channel asynchronous Audio Sample Rate Converter (ASRC). This core can be used to interface digital audio equipments operating at different sample rates. It has been designed for systems that require a low-cost solution, maintaining low harmonic distortion and noise, and a high tolerance and rejection of input jitter.
The ASRC-lite can perform common sample rate conversions with less than -90 dB of Total Harmonic Distortion plus Noise (THD+N) and has a Dynamic range of 92 dB, supporting input data of 16-bit resolution.
The ASRC series are implemented to support several key industry interfaces: TDM parallel, TDM serial, Parallel, I2S, SPDIF-AES3.
We offers a broad range of asynchronous sample rate converters targeted for variety of audio applications
Application :
Set-top boxes, professional and hi-fi audio
Home Theater Systems
Automotive Audio Systems
Digital Audio Effects Processors
Digital Audio Broadcast Equipment
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ASRC-Pro : 24-bit -130dB THD+N Multi-Channel Audio Sample Rate Converter |
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None |
192 KHz |
45 nm |
The ASRC-pro is part of multi-channel Asynchronous Audio Sample Rate Converters (ASRC). This core can be used to interface digital audio equipments operating at different sample rates. It has been designed for systems requiring very high quality in terms of low harmonic distortion and noise, tolerance and rejection of input jitter.
The ASRC-pro can perform common sample rate conversions with less than -130 dB of Total Harmonic Distortion plus Noise (THD+N) and has a Dynamic range of 131 dB, supporting input data processing of up to 24-bit resolution.
The ASRC series are implemented to support several key industry interfaces: TDM parallel, TDM serial, Parallel, I2S, SPDIF-AES3.
We offers a broad range of asynchronous sample rate converters targeted for variety of audio applications.
Set-top boxes, professional and hi-fi audio
Home Theater Systems
Automotive Audio Systems
Digital Audio Effects Processors
Digital Audio Broadcast Equipment
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High Speed CAN Transceiver |
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None |
1 MHz |
None |
The MX102 is the interface between the Controller Area Network (CAN) protocol controller and the physical bus. It is primarily intended for high speed applications, up to 1 Mbps, in passenger cars. The device provides differential transmit capability to the bus and differential receive capability to the CAN controller. The MX102 also features a very low current standby mode with remote wake up capability via the bus.
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High Stable Timers IP |
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None |
0.8 MHz |
None |
Timers are used for scheduling the different activities within the system. Timers generates interrupt in system and Operating system(OS) Schedules different Timers and maps them to different Interrupt Service Routine (ISR) to start on different interrupts. It can happen before starting a activity or application, OS configures a timers and give control to application to operate. On Interrupt trigger a interrupt, ISR kicks in and passes control back to OS.
A Miss Function on this block can make system to mis-behave a lot. These section explains issues with normal timers and benefits of this high stable timers over conventional timers.
-The Problem with Current Technology
Timers carry large counters, Registers, clocks pre-scalers and synchronizations and all these are built by Simple Components which do not have any stability.
If the SOC is exposed to different hazards like radiations, sparks or other events. These logics can be corrupted within counters and registers carrying configuration.
This may result in corruption in stored configurations or counters or data or control passing by and can make interrupts to be generated fast or slower rate or even stopped.
If system gets faster interrupt, then expected will make control to passed back to Operating system(OS) from the application or much before the application actually able to complete the task. This make system to not able to perform the required task.
if interrupts generation is slowed down, will keep the OS waiting much longer to get control and application work is finished long back. This can make system to slow down or Hang.
-The Solution
High Stable Timers from GreenIPCore can sustain across all system un-stability and misbehavior problems.
This Timers is strengthening system against any kind of dirty Electromagnetic noise and capable of protecting the System operation without disruption.
The Timers is constructed with high stable components. The High Stable Timers shown above will not fail due to any hazardous event.
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