1. Introduction:
The PLL is a 0.13μm Phase-Locked Loop (PLL) cell that provides a clock multiplier that can generate a stable 48M/96M/120MHz/156MHz clock from a 12MHz clock source. This is a “generic” PLL which integrates the Voltage-Controlled Oscillator (VCO), Phase-Frequency Detector, Low Pass Filter, Loop Divider and Post Divider. This PLL provides an operating voltage range of 1.08V ~ 1.32V, and an operating junction temperature range of -40˚ ~ 125℃.
2. License Price:
By Quotes
Multiple License : YES
- Discount for 2 ~ 5 license:5 %
- Discount for 6 ~ 10 license:10 %
- Discount for 11 ~ license:0 %
3. Trial Run Price:
By Quotes
4. Clock Rate:
12.156 MHz
5. Area:
40 K μm^2
6. Technology:
130 nm
7. Version: