12-Bit 800KSPS Low Power SAR-ADC |
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25 MHz |
180 nm |
The SAR-ADC is a low power ADC that is implemented in Successive Approximation architecture. It can provide 12-bit resolution capability with only 3V supply voltage. It accepts an analog input range from 0 to VCC and digitizes the input at a maximum sampling frequency rate of 800KHz at 5V supply voltage. This ADC also includes MUX design to select 0 of 7 analog inputs. The power dissipation is less than 5mW with 5V power supply. This SAR-ADC is implemented in SMIC 0.18μm generic CMOS technology.
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8-Bit 7 GSPS SAR ADC |
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300.000 K μm^2 |
7 GHz |
16 nm |
This IP is compact and low power 8-bit Time interleaved SAR analog-to-digital converter silicon IP.This ADC uses fully differential SAR architecture optimized for low power and small silicon area.
Serdes Receiver
Coherent Transceivers
Data acquisition
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32 bits RISC Microcontroller |
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33.000 K Gates |
100 MHz |
180 nm |
The CPU Core is a 32-bit microprocessor. It has a 32-bit data path, a 32-bit register bank, and 32-bit memory interfaces. The processor has a Harvard architecture, which means that it has a separate instruction bus and data bus. This allows instructions and data accesses to take place at the same time, and as a result of this, the performance of the processor increases because data accesses do not affect the instruction pipeline.However, the instruction and data buses share the same memory space (a unified memory system). In other words, you cannot get 8 GB of memory space just because you have separate bus interfaces.
Motor Control
Smart home/building/enterprice/planet
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8051 Core |
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20 MHz |
None |
The 8051 has gained great popularity since its introduction and is estimated it is
used in a large percentage of all embedded system products.
The basic form of 8051 core includes several on-chip peripherals, like timers and
counters, additionally there are 128 bytes of on-chip data memory and up to 4K bytes of
on-chip program memory.
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UART Serial Interface Controller |
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300 MHz |
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UART compatible Serial Interface Controller with receive and transmit FIFOs and support for all standard bit rates from 9600 to 921600 baud.
UART Communications
RS232, RS422, RS485 etc.
Micro-controller interfacing
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I2C Master Serial Interface Controller |
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300 MHz |
None |
Master serial controller compatible with the popular Philips® I2C standard. Features a simple command interface and permits multiple I2C slaves to be controlled directly from ASIC device. Supports standard (100 kbits/s), fast (400 kbits/s) and custom data rates well above 4 Mbits/s. Setup and hold-times on the SDA pin are fully configurable.
Inter-chip board-level communications
Standard 2-wire comms between a wide range of peripherals, MCUs and COTs ICs
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I2C Slave Serial Interface Controller |
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300 MHz |
None |
Slave serial controller compatible with the popular Philips® I2C standard. Permits an I2C Master to communicate with your ASIC device via a set of user-defined config and status registers. Supports standard (100 kbits/s), fast (400 kbits/s) and custom rates in excess of 4 Mbits/s.
I2C slave communication via your ASIC
Inter-chip board-level communications
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8-bit / 16-bit Flash memory controller |
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200 MHz |
None |
FLASH memory controller ideal for interfacing to a wide range of parallel FLASH memory components . Features a fully synchronous command interface and a set of configurable timing parameters for compatibility with different devices.
Any application where non-volatile storage is required
Offline storage of parameters and data via your Chip
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DDR4 SDRAM Controller Core |
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Double Data Rate 4 (DDR4) SDRAM Controller Core is designed for use in applications requiring high memory throughput, high clock rates and full programmability.
The core uses bank management modules to monitor the status of each SDRAM bank. Banks are only opened or closed when necessary, minimizing access delays. Up to 32 banks can be managed at one time.
The core supports all new DDR4 features, including: 3DS device configurations, write CRC, data bus inversion (DBI), fine granu-larity refresh, additive latency, per-DRAM addressability, and temperature controlled refresh.
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Automotive Electronics Platform |
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This Platform can decrease timing for develop.
Single Chip Solution
Integrated Pressure Sensor
Integrated Acceleration Sensor
Integrated Temperature Sensor
32-bit RISC CPU
RF Transmitter (300-450 Mhz)
LF Receiver
Easy Integrated Customer’s Logic
Tire Pressure Monitoring System
Automotive electronics
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