Periodic waveform generator |
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200 MHz |
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The IP Core is a high-precision Direct Digital Synthesizer 2 used for the generation of periodic waveforms. On each rising-edge of the sample clock, the phase in the phase accumulator is incremented by the value phase_inc. This phase is quantized to 16-bits and passed as an address to a look-up table which converts the phase into a waveform.
In addition to the quadrature outputs sin_out and cos_out, the IP also provides square wave and sawtooth outputs: squ_out and saw_out. All output values are 16-bit signed numbers.
Digital up/down converters and mixers
Versatile waveform generation
Digital oscillators
Digital modulation
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Precision Tone Decoder |
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200 MHz |
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The IP is a precision tone decoder with the capacity to support either real or complex data samples. Samples are first mixed-down to baseband before subsequent filtering and tone detection.
The centre frequency of the tone is fully programmable and is generated by a local oscillator (DDS). The DDS has an SFDR of better than 80 dBs (with phase dithering) and a theoretical SNR of approximately 100 dBs.
After down-conversion, 2 paths are filtered to remove components above the tone of interest. The characteristics of these filters may be changed depending on the desired detection bandwidth and
response time.
Finally, a power function is used to compute the relative magnitude of the signal after filtering.
Precision frequency monitoring and control
FSK / OOK / ASK demodulation
Touch tone decoding (e.g. DTMF tones)
Complex digital down conversion
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Sigma-Delta Stereo CODEC in 55nm |
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562.800 K μm^2 |
96 KHz |
55 nm |
The IP is a high resolution, single-chip stereo CODEC that employs the Sigma-Delta noise shaping technique for 55nm logic process. The ADC, DAC and power amplifier are integrated in it. With 18bit resolution for DAC and 18bit resolution for ADC, The IP is suitable for applications in consumer digital audio systems, automobile audio, multimedia and digital systems.
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Digital Video overlay module |
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250 MHz |
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This IP is a highly versatile video multiplexer that allows one video stream to be inserted over another. By cascading a series of video overlay modules together, any number of video sources may be multiplexed together. The module supports input video streams of any resolution or aspect ratio up to 216 x 216 pixels in size. Video overlay parameters may be changed on a frame-by-frame basis to dynamically change the size and position of the video overlay.
Pixels and syncs flow in and out of the video overlay module in accordance with the valid-ready pipeline protocol. The pipeline protocol allows both input and output interfaces to be stalled independently.
In addition, the overlay module supports a number of blending operations including an 8-bit alpha channel and bitwise AND, OR and XOR functions.
Network and Tactical operations centres
Digital-video special effects
Broadcast TV and film production
CCTV and security camera systems
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2D Graphics Overlay |
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200 MHz |
None |
This is a highly versatile on-screen display that allows high-quality anti-aliased bitmap graphics to be inserted over RGB video. The module supports a wide range of graphics effects and the programming interface is very simple to use. The bitmap overlay is partitioned into an array of tiles which are addressed by means of an 8-bit value stored in a 64x64 tile buffer. There are four tile sizes available - either 8x8, 16x16, 32x32 or 64x64.
The tiles in the buffer are displayed in a graphics window which may be positioned anywhere within the display area. Bitmaps for each tile are stored in a user-defined ROM which can contain up to 256 different bitmaps stored over three bit-planes. Depending on the chosen graphics mode, the 3-bits per pixel may be used to select one colour from a palette of eight, eight levels of alpha transparency or seven colours on a transparent background.
Pixels and syncs flow in and out of the overlay module in accordance with the valid-ready pipeline protocol.
Animated 2D graphics including hardware sprites, mouse pointers, cursors , parallax scrolling, moving banners etc.
Interactive guides, menus, tables, lists etc.
Digital TV and home-media solutions
Professional and functional 2D graphic displays and video overlays
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Text Overlay Module |
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200 MHz |
None |
The IP Core is a highly versatile On Screen Display (OSD) module that allows text and bitmap graphics to be inserted over RGB video. The module supports a wide range of text effects and the
programming interface is very simple. Text is written to a 64x32 character buffer which is mapped (via a bitmap ROM) directly to the display.
The characters in the buffer are displayed in a 'TEXT BOX' which may be positioned anywhere in the video display area. Bitmaps for each character are stored in a ROM which may be modified to support different font styles or bitmap graphics.
Pixels and syncs flow in and out of the overlay module in accordance with the valid-ready pipeline protocol.
Window movement in the same manner as a 2D 'BitBlt'
Terminal and Console windows
Low cost text and graphics applications
Digital TV and home-media solutions
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Bilinear Video Scaling Engine |
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250 MHz |
None |
This IP is a very high quality video scaler capable of generating interpolated output images from 16x16 up to 216 x 216 pixels in resolution. The architecture permits seamless scaling (either up or down) depending on the chosen scale factor. Internally, the scaler uses a 24-bit accumulator and a bank of polyphase FIR filters with 16 phases or interpolation points. All filter coefficients are programmable, allowing the user to define a wide range of filter characteristics.
Pixels flow in and out of the scaling engine in accordance with the valid-ready pipeline protocol.As such, the pipeline protocol allows both input and output interfaces to be stalled independently.
The scaler is partitioned into a horizontal scaling section in series with avertical scaling section.
Conversion of popular video formats to any other resolution such as VGA to XGA, SVGA to HD1080 etc.
Picture in Picture (PiP) applications
High quality 24-bit RGB/YCbCr video scaling
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Digital Video Scaler |
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250 MHz |
None |
The IP Core is a studio quality video scaler capable of generating interpolated output images from 16 x 16 up to 216 x 216 pixels in resolution. The architecture permits seamless scaling (either up or down) depending on the chosen scale factor. Internally, the scaler uses a 24-bit accumulator and a bank of polyphase FIR filters with 16 phases or interpolation points. All filter coefficients are programmable, allowing the user to define a wide range of filter characteristics.
Pixels flow in and out of the video scaler in accordance with the valid-ready pipeline protocol. Pixels are transferred into the scaler on a rising clock-edge when pixin_val is high and pixin_rdy is high. As such, the pipeline protocol allows both input and output interfaces to be stalled independently.
The scaler is partitioned into a horizontal scaling module in series with a vertical scaling module .
Support for the latest generation video formats with resolutions of 4K and above
Video scaling for flat panel displays, portable devices, video consoles, video format converters, set-top boxes, digital TV etc.
Conversion of all standard and custom video resolutions such as HD720P to HD1080P, XGA to VGA etc.
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USB 3.0 PHY in 110nm |
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1.000 M μm^2 |
25 MHz |
110 nm |
The IP is a high speed SERDES macro which complies with USB3.0 electrical interface specification. This macro can be easily fabricated to form multiple lanes and implemented in USB systems design, both Host and Device.The IP is supported USB3.0 Super Speed (5Gbps) protocol and data rate.
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Half-band Nyquist decimation filter |
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300 MHz |
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This is a polyphase decimation filter that permits the down-sampling of an input signal by any power of 2. The filter core is organized as a highly optimized systolic array, allowing the user to specify very large decimation factors while keeping resource costs to a minimum.
Input data is sampled on the rising clock-edge of clk when CLK_EN is active high. Internally, the samples are filtered and decimated then presented at the output interface, Y_OUT.The output signal EN_OUT is the output clock-enable signal that indicates when an output sample is valid.
Decimation by a wide range of factors from 2 to 2N
Reduction of input sample rate to make subsequent signal processing easier
Decimation of signals after digital-down-conversion
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